MIDASoft - Bridge Library

MIDASoft bridge library containing project case studies, practical applications, and engineer presentations.

Midas GTS NX: Tunnel With A Structural Approach - 2D Lining

In the first part of this short series, we introduced tunneling projects with a structural approach, we also went into detail about some of the many methods used during these types of projects such as Open Cut and Cover Method, the Sequenti...

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Midas GTS NX: Tunneling with a Structural Approach

Tunnel projects are a rather unique challenge. That's because, tunnels to put it loosely (no pun intended), are underground/buried roadways ...
5 Differences Between Culverts and Bridges

5 Differences Between Culverts and Bridges

If you think about it, CULVERTS are a bit of an anomaly in the structural world. Culverts carry various load types (pedestrian, vehicular, a...

All-In-One Super & Sub Structure Design

Every structural system includes a load transfer from the superstructure to the ground. The group of elements used to make that transfer is ...

AASHTO Steel Composite Bridge Design

Presentation Overview This tutorial will be helpful for the engineers who want to learn about how to utilize midas Civil's design code check...

Box culvert design as per AASHTO LRFD

Learn how to model, analyze, and design check reinforced concrete culvert bridge. Design new reinforced concrete culverts and extensions to ...

Two Span Composite Precast Beam and Deck Bridge Wizard

Learn how to model two span composite precast beam and deck bridge using the prestressed bridge modeling wizard. See below for the structure...

CHBDC CSA S6-14 Steel Composite Bridge Design

This tutorial will be helpful for the engineers who want to learn about how to utilize midas Civil's design code checking feature as per CHB...

Box Culvert Design as per AASHTO LRFD

This tutorial demonstrates the key highlights of the modeling capabilities of midas Civil for a steel plate I-girder composite straight brid...