MIDASoft - Bridge Library

MIDASoft bridge library containing project case studies, practical applications, and engineer presentations.

Midas GTS NX: Excavation by Tunnel Boring Machine in 3D FEM

TBM is becoming one of the most common tunnel excavation methods in cities with limited space because other methods such as open-cut or NATM have problems of traffic obstruction, contamination by noise and vibrations, in addition to the lar...

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Midas GTS NX: Fully Coupled Analysis of an embankment during settlement

The attendee will learn the use of several advance functions of GTS NX, which allows the numerical analysis of settlement by 2 methods. From...

Midas GTS NX: GTS NX Interfaces AutoCAD - Soil–Pile Interaction Analysis

Summary GTS NX has multiple interfaces with various CAD formats and structural (building and bridge) software for the most advance 3D Geotec...