Summary This tutorial identifies the soil–structure interaction by analyzing construction stage of 3D retaining wall excavation and a piled foundation. It is possible to review in detail the stress distributions on cross-sections, which is ...
Continue ReadingMIDASoft - Bridge Library
MIDASoft bridge library containing project case studies, practical applications, and engineer presentations.
The attendee will learn the use of several advance functions of GTS NX, which allows the numerical analysis of settlement by 2 methods. From...
Summary GTS NX has multiple interfaces with various CAD formats and structural (building and bridge) software for the most advance 3D Geotec...
SUMMARY This webinar showed how to use the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the staged construction of a tunnel by a Tunnel Boring Ma...
Many engineers are using software like GeoStudio Suite from GeoSlope for 2D geotechnical analyses. Recent advances in computer modeling and ...
Summary Climate change has intensified weathering effects due to rain, leading to higher frequency of structural and slope failures designed...
Summary The response of pile foundations to lateral soil deformation induced by liquefaction during an earthquake is a key design considerat...