Webinar: Refined Analysis For the Optimum Design & Load Rating of Local Bridges
Author: Yanling Leng
Publish Date: 28 Dec, 2020
When talking about refined analysis, most engineers might think of using it for complex bridges and bridges that are beyond the range of applicability of the AASHTO LRFD formulas. While many favor a general philosophy of keeping the analyses simple to minimize errors, or to remain true to the accepted, proven engineering practices, it might come at a cost. Dr. Yanling Leng, lead bridge engineer from IMEG, will talk about why and how she has conducted refined analyses for the optimum design & load rating of normal local bridges.
The content of this presentation
- Why Do Local Bridges Need Refined Analysis
- The Characteristics of Local Bridges
- Challenges for Local Bridges
- The Levels of Bridge Assessment
- Why Conducting Refined Analysis Using Midas Civil
- Live Load Analysis
- Construction Stage Analysis
- Case Studies
- Design for Precast, Prestresses Concrete Girder Bridge Made Continuous
- Inversion Analysis for the Retrofit Design of a Composite Steel Girder Bridge
- Refined Load Rating for Local Bridges
- Q&A Session
Speaker Information
Yanling Leng, PhD, P.E.
Yanling Leng is a bridge engineer with vast experience and specialized in bridge design, load rating, and forensic analysis. Prior to joining Clark Engineering, she was a teaching assistant and research assistant at New Mexico State University and adjunct researcher at the Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport in China. Dr.Leng’s research focused on developing refined safety evaluation procedures for highway bridges. Her proposed approaches show promise for refining the current load rating code for highway bridges and provide applicable procedures for risk analysis and failure analysis for bridge structures. Dr. Leng has helped write the code in China for rating in-service structures
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