Local Buckling Simulation of Plate Girder Webs in midas FEA
Author: MIDASoft
Publish Date: 5 Dec, 2018
What is this webinar for?
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used in design of structures. It can be used with different degrees of sophistication for different purposes. One of the most common analysis is the stability
analysis where the members buckling can be investigated precisely. The webinar will demonstrate how to use midas FEA software for nonlinear buckling analysis of plates considering shell models. The steel material nonlinearity, as well as imperfection and geometry nonlinearity, will be explained. On the webinar will be explained how to adopt midas FEA functionality to EN 1993-1-5 rules in case of ULS using FEM.
What are the key points?
1.Material and geometry nonlinearity
2. Local buckling simulation of plates
3. Load-displacement state at nonlinear analysis
4. Geometry imperfections in FE models
5. Comparison with experimental tests
Speaker : MIDASoft, Inc. Category : Bridge Software : midas FEA Date : 2018-12-05 |
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