MIDASoft - Bridge Library

MIDASoft bridge library containing project case studies, practical applications, and engineer presentations.

Expert Tip: Finite Element Method Basics 4

In the FEM, the most critical question is “how many meshes do we need to get the correct (or reasonable) results?”

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Connecting Meshes Using Links

In the previous blog basic finite element mesh explained, we have looked into several types of conventional elements within the 1D, 2D, and ...

Structural Connections and Contacts

Structural connections are usually the weakest part of a steel structure; however, they are rarely the subject of structural analysis. To si...

Basic Finite Element Mesh Explained

To ensure stable analysis performance and reliable result approximation, meshing is important. Meshing is the process to create finite eleme...

Steel Bridge Nonlinear Buckling Analysis

One of the objectives when designing structures is to prevent them from failures. Structural failure can happen when the structural elements...

Ensuring Element Quality for Mesh Size Transition

Keep Running into Analysis Errors When Everything Looks Right? It’s not uncommon for the analysts to run into the same analysis error after ...