Nonlinear Analysis

Step 1
+ Nonlinear elements & elastic links
+ General link properties (Boundary Nonlinear)
+ Seismic device properties

Step 2
+ Pushover analysis
+ Plastic material
+ Nonlinear analysis control

Step 3
+ Inelastic hinge properties
+ Moment curvature
+ Inelastic material
Nonlinear analysis is necessary when stresses are excessive or large displacements exist in structures. Construction stage analyses for suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges are some examples of large displacement in structures. midas Civil provides various functions that allow engineers to consider the material's nonlinear behavior, geometric nonlinearity, and boundary nonlinearity of the analytical model.

General Link Properties
General Link elements are used for modeling damping devices, base isolators, compression-only or tension-only elements, plastic hinges, soil springs, etc. General Link elements can be assigned to linear and nonlinear properties using spring properties.

Nonlinear Analysis Control
Users can quickly apply settings for nonlinear analysis in the Nonlinear Analysis Control function. Iteration methods for nonlinear analysis are provided with Newton-Raphson, arc-length, and displacement control. Three different methods (Energy Norm, Displacement Norm, and Force Norm) are provided to adjust the convergence of analyses.

Pushover Analysis
midas Civil provides pushover analysis to support a performance-based design. The Pushover Global Control function provides detailed options for analysis. After completing the analysis, the user can review the analysis results in tables, graphs, texts, etc.