Integral Bridges



+ Integral bridge function

+ Thermal loads (Element temp. & Temp. Gradient)

+ Hydrostatic pressure load


+ Construction stage analysis


+ Composite design for steel composite section

+ PSC design

+ RC design

In the structural analysis of Integral bridges, boundary conditions should be established according to the soil stiffness. Furthermore, in terms of the structure, the secondary effects of temperature/creep & shrinkage on the superstructure itself need to be calculated. Integral bridges can be modeled without limitations by using the various elements and spring supports provided in midas Civil. Additionally, temperature loads, time-dependent materials, and construction stage analysis functions can be used to complete the structural analysis of integral bridges, and the design function can be used to review the section of structures.


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Integral Bridge Function

An alternative way to apply earth pressure loads is to assign appropriate spring supports to the abutment and/or piles to represent the soil properties. midas Civil provides an automatic generative function for the calculation of the spring stiffness for abutments and piles. The calculation method is based on the formulation proposed by B.M. Lehane.

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Hydrostatic Pressure Load Function

The Hydrostatic pressure load function can be applied to plates, plane stress, plane strain, or solid elements. Originally, it is a function that inputs pressure loads due to the flue potential, but it can be applied to the earth pressure as it can be considered for not only linear shapes but also curved shapes.

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Element Temperature Load & Temperature

The thermal contraction/expansion of the deck influences the earth's pressure. It is one of the design conditions for the abutment wall. midas Civil provides element temperature loads, temperature gradient loads, etc, to consider all thermal load types.