MIDASoft - Bridge Library

MIDASoft bridge library containing project case studies, practical applications, and engineer presentations.

Expert Tips: Convergence Study in Curved Girder Analysis

Expert Tips: Convergence Study in Curved Girder Analysis

What is Convergence? What is a Convergence Study? It is easy to obtain the result from bridge finite element analysis, but to get more accur...

Expert Tips: Irregular Bridges

There are times when engineers would have to design and evaluate bridge structures that fall outside of the AASHTO design guideline. Therefo...
webinar review video image

Is It Practical to Model Irregularities in AASHTOWare

Presentation Overview Beam-slab bridges with Irregular geometries cannot be analyzed using AASHTO approximate methods of analysis. According...

Structural Irregularity and Geometric Complexity

The purpose of this training is to address how model a complex structure with unconventional bridge structures, geometric irregularities and...